Résultats à l'exposition de Hannut du 13 août 2017

Best portées

Poils courts: 33 British Shorthair (BRI) Exposant: LEVEQUE Christiane

Poils mi-longs: 209 Kurilian Bobtail Longhair (KBL) Exposant: DE SANTIS Gianni

Best jeunes poils courts

BIS Male Babyclass 10-14 semaines: 49 NOX DE HAZEL GLARE Bengal (BEN) Brown (Black) Tabby Spotted (n 24)
Exposant: SANCHEZ Alicia

BIS Female Babyclass 10-14 semaines: 259 ANGEL LOOK'S FLORENCE Devon Rex (DRX) Black (n)
Exposant: VOGELS Sofie

BIS Male 3-6 Mois / Maanden: 284 DEA DIA QUILIMANJARO *LV Devon Rex (DRX) White Copper Eyes (w 62)

BIS Female 3-6 Mois / Maanden: 258 ANGEL LOOK'S ELLA-LOUISE Devon Rex (DRX) Chocolate Tabby Blotched & White (b 22 09)
Exposant: VOGELS Sofie

BIS Male 6-10 Mois / Maanden: 78 INKUBAN DISTRICT HARRY POTTER Bengal (BEN) Brown (Black) Tabby Spotted (n 24)
Exposant: WILMET Ariane

BIS Female 6-10 Mois / Maanden: 282 CURLY TIME TOOTSY Devon Rex (DRX) Harlequin Black Tortie & White (f 02)

BOB: 284 DEA DIA QUILIMANJARO *LV Devon Rex (DRX) White Copper Eyes (w 62)

Best adultes poils courts

BIS Male CACIB: 79 BEAUTY-BENGAL LUCKY *BE Bengal (BEN) Brown (Black) Tabby Spotted (n 24)
Exposant: HEUSDEN Jean-Marie

BIS Female CACIB: 28 BLUE WHITE DIAMONDS ODETTE British Shorthair (BRI) Blue (a)
Exposant: LEVEQUE Christiane

BIS Female Sterilized CAP: 59 KATCHIRI OF SILVER MOON BENGALS Bengal (BEN) Black Tabby Marbled (n 22)
Exposant: VAN HULLE Lindsay

BIS Male Sterilized CAPIB: 152 FARINELLI MARCO Oriental (OSH) Black Tabby Blotched & White (n 22 09)
Exposant: WINAND Ginette

BOB: 28 BLUE WHITE DIAMONDS ODETTE British Shorthair (BRI) Blue (a)
Exposant: LEVEQUE Christiane

Best jeunes poils mi-longs

BIS Male Babyclass 10-14 semaines: 185 BRITTOYA'S DREAM ARES British Longhair (BRL) Lilac & White (c 09)
Exposant: WYTGEERS Latoya

BIS Female Babyclass 10-14 semaines: 184 BRITTOYA'S DREAM ASZUNA British Longhair (BRL) Cream & White (e 09)
Exposant: WYTGEERS Latoya

BIS Male 3-6 Mois / Maanden: 214 CREAM COOKIE VAN DE NEKKER British Longhair (BRL) Cream (e)
Exposant: WITTEVROUW Shana

BIS Female 3-6 Mois / Maanden: 34 NIAGARA DU PONT ROYAL *BE Highland Fold (SFL) Black Tortie & White (f 09)
Exposant: PERZ Valérie

BIS Male 6-10 Mois / Maanden: 143 LARGO DES JOYAUX DU MAINE Maine-Coon (MCO) Black Silver Tabby Mackerel & White (ns 23 09)
Exposant: JONET Joffrey

BIS Female 6-10 Mois / Maanden: 138 NORMA JEAN OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS Maine-Coon (MCO) Black (n)
Exposant: WERGIFOSSE Yvette

BOB: 214 CREAM COOKIE VAN DE NEKKER British Longhair (BRL) Cream (e)
Exposant: WITTEVROUW Shana

Best adultes poils mi-longs

BIS Male CACIB: 125 FARFALLE VAN DE NEKKER British Longhair (BRL) Lilac (c)
Exposant: CAMPENAIRE Carole

BIS Female Classe Honneur / Hereklasse: 63 KOENI'S BELLINI Norwegian Forest (NFO) Cream Tabby & White (e 21 09)
Exposant: MARECHAL Evy

BIS Female Sterilized CAP: 2 ROYAL BLUE GIANTS MYSTIC ANGEL Maine-Coon (MCO) Blue (a)
Exposant: PARENT Jennifer

BIS Male Sterilized CAPM: 55 COTTON COON'S JUNIOR *BE Maine-Coon (MCO) Blue Silver Tabby Blotched & White (as 22 09)
Exposant: DELCOMMINETTE Muriel

BOB: 63 KOENI'S BELLINI Norwegian Forest (NFO) Cream Tabby & White (e 21 09)
Exposant: MARECHAL Evy

Best jeunes poils longs

BIS Female 3-6 Mois / Maanden: 176 NOUGATINE DES HORCHIDEES DE VOROUX Persian (PER) Cream & White (e 09)
Exposant: DUPONT Liliane

BOB: 176 NOUGATINE DES HORCHIDEES DE VOROUX Persian (PER) Cream & White (e 09)
Exposant: DUPONT Liliane

Best adultes poils longs

BIS Female CAC: 250 MARADAN HOLA BOMBA Persian (PER) Black Tabby Mackerel (n 23)
Exposant: DIONISI Delphine

BIS Male Sterilized CAPE: 165 MELODY'S JAZZ Persian Colourpoint Red Point (d 33)
Exposant: JOLY Corinne

BOB: 165 MELODY'S JAZZ Persian Colourpoint Red Point (d 33)
Exposant: JOLY Corinne

Best jeunes exotics

BIS Female 3-6 Mois / Maanden: 175 NOISETTE DES HORCHIDEES DE VOROUX Exotic Shorthair (EXO) Black Tortie & White (f 09)
Exposant: DUPONT Liliane

BOB: 175 NOISETTE DES HORCHIDEES DE VOROUX Exotic Shorthair (EXO) Black Tortie & White (f 09)
Exposant: DUPONT Liliane

Best adultes exotics

BIS Female CAC: 249 MARADAN CHICA CHIC Exotic Shorthair (EXO) Black Tabby Blotched (n 22)
Exposant: DIONISI Delphine

BIS Male CACE: 95 NALTEL LOVELY Exotic Shorthair (EXO) Black Silver Tabby Blotched (ns 22)
Exposant: ZICOT Paulette

BIS Female Sterilized CAP: 248 ISPAHAN MYTH SPOTLIGHT Exotic Shorthair (EXO) Black Tabby Mackerel (n 23)
Exposant: DIONISI Delphine

BIS Male Sterilized CAPIB: 114 MOZART DE LA SOURCE PERSE D'HANAE Exotic Shorthair (EXO) Black & White (n 09)
Exposant: LA BIANCA Olivia

BOB: 95 NALTEL LOVELY Exotic Shorthair (EXO) Black Silver Tabby Blotched (ns 22)
Exposant: ZICOT Paulette

Best jeunes nus

BIS Male 3-6 Mois / Maanden: 112 NERO JUNIOR BOY OF ABSOLUMENT NUS Sphynx (SPH) Black (n)
Exposant: THIEBOUT Annie

BIS Female 3-6 Mois / Maanden: 121 HAWARA SPHYNX SHENZI Sphynx (SPH) Black Tortie & White (f 09)
Exposant: FRIX Bernadette

BIS Female 6-10 Mois / Maanden: 89 GOLDSPHYNX ALTESSE Sphynx (SPH) Van Blue & White (a 01)
Exposant: DESPRETS Dominique

Exposant: THIEBOUT Annie

Best adultes nus

BIS Female CAC: 88 KLEOPATRE A LA SILHOUETTE DE RÊVE Sphynx (SPH) Lilac Tortie (j)
Exposant: DESPRETS Dominique

BIS Male Classe Honneur / Hereklasse: 111 NERO VON SANURA DEI NEFERTHEM Sphynx (SPH) Cream Mink (e 32)
Exposant: THIEBOUT Annie

BIS Male Sterilized CAPIB: 215 PRINCE BLUE STAR VAN BALD IS BEAUTIFUL Sphynx (SPH) Blue & White (a 09)
Exposant: WITTEVROUW Shana

BOB: 111 NERO VON SANURA DEI NEFERTHEM Sphynx (SPH) Cream Mink (e 32)
Exposant: THIEBOUT Annie

Best suprême

PC: 284 DEA DIA QUILIMANJARO *LV Devon Rex (DRX) White Copper Eyes (w 62)

PML: 63 KOENI'S BELLINI Norwegian Forest (NFO) Cream Tabby & White (e 21 09)
Exposant: MARECHAL Evy

PL: 165 MELODY'S JAZZ Persian Colourpoint Red Point (d 33)
Exposant: JOLY Corinne

EXO: 175 NOISETTE DES HORCHIDEES DE VOROUX Exotic Shorthair (EXO) Black Tortie & White (f 09)
Exposant: DUPONT Liliane

NU: 111 NERO VON SANURA DEI NEFERTHEM Sphynx (SPH) Cream Mink (e 32)
Exposant: THIEBOUT Annie

Suprême of suprême

284 DEA DIA QUILIMANJARO *LV Devon Rex (DRX) White Copper Eyes (w 62)